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Alumni Day with…Jay Dahya | Porto Business School

 Yes, it’s a one of a kind event. On the 16th of November, seize the opportunity to reconnect with your colleagues and friends, to meet other Alumni, to remember and get to know differente stories of our community and, of course, to increase your networking. The Alumni Day 2019 is an event exclusively for our alumni. Jay Dahya, lecturer at Columbia Business School and invited lecturer at Porto Business School is the keynote speaker.  Trump-oh-nomics! In Trump we trusted and are we now busted, is what his presentation is all about.This year there are no excuses: the Alumni Day is free of charge, we just need you to register (for logistic purposes).Get to know what we’re planning to do. 10h00  | Check in10h30  | Leading Voices | Porto Business School Choir10H45 | Welcome | Ramon O’Callaghan11H00 | Jay Dahya | Keynote speaker11H45 |  Porto Business School Alumni Awards 2019 12H10 | Closing Remarks |  Ramon O’Callaghan13H00 | Solidarity LunchIf you’re part of the Porto Business School Alumni community, register HERE. We expect you to join us in this unique celebration! As in previous years, the Alumni Day is also a solidarity event.Three institutions will be present during the event and they all have different needs.Check out how you can help:» Casa do Caminho, Sra da Hora (baby hygiene products and baby food)» Refood, Sra da Hora (non-perishable items)» U.Dream, Porto (you can help by becoming an associate)