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Abdullah Abo Milhim


Abdullah joined Istituto Marangoni in 2010, and has been lecturing and leading various units on BA in Fashion Business, MA in Fashion & Luxury Brand Management, MA in Fashion Promotion and MA in Fashion Buying. He led the Postgraduate Fashion Business Programmes at Istituto Marangoni between 2017 and 2021. Some of the subjects that he have taught include: Economics, Finance, Strategy, Luxury Management, Project Management, Strategic Fashion, and Business of Fashion. He has been involved in supervising Master Dissertations, and Undergraduate Business Plan projects. He taught in various UK Higher Education Institutions lecturing Corporate Finance on the Buying and Merchandising Programs in Westminster University and Wealth Management on the MBA in Luxury Brand Management in Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU). He has been lecturing on the Postgraduate programs and Executive MBA (EMBA) in the Fashion Business School (LCF) within the University of the Arts London for over five years. Prior to teaching, Abdullah joined the Investment Banking Industry through working for Merill Lynch as a structured finance analyst with a speial focus on emerging markets. He joined Bloomberg as an equity analyst covering emerging markets, and then entered the Hedge Fund Industry through working as a Buy-Side Research Analyst for MENA Capital, covering aspects of wealth management, oil & gas, luxury brands and emerging market activities. Abdullah is professional freelance training consultant working with various global companies; He consulted for Western Union, trained senior partners in HSBC, PwC and KPMG and various oil and gas companies (e.g KPC), and emerging markets government departments. Over the last six years, and offered 48 training programs in areas of Performance Management, Leadership, Finance, HR and Employee Relations. Abdullah obtained a BSc in Financial Studies from BAU (Lebanon) in 2001, an MSc in Financial Management from the University of East London (2003), an MPhil Upgrade from SOAS-University of London (2005), and a PGcert in Academic Practice from Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) , a member of the Chartered Institute of Financial Services (ISI), The Chartered Management Institute (CMI), The National Skills Academy for Financial Services (NSAFS), and the Arab Bankers Association (ABA). His research Interests include Emerging markets, Microfinance in Retail, Blockchain, Value Creation in Fashion, Digital Supply chain, and the interaction between Finance and Fashion, Value chains, FinTech, Wealth Management, and Luxury. He wrote a chapter and contributed in Data Analysis for a Merrill Lynch Publication: “Merrill Lynch Guide to Emerging Mortgage and Consumer Credit Markets, Volume 2, (June 2007). He participated in authoring and researching data for a book on Financial Inclusion with Toynbee Hall titles “From Access To Inclusion, An Evaluation of the Role of Basic Bank Accounts in Promoting Financial Inclusion”, July 2008, supported by Calouste Gulbenkian