Full Professor at Industrial Engineering and Management, FEUP. Member of the Board at INESC TEC Technology and Science. Co-founder of LTPlabs. Member of the Board of Trustees (“conselho de curadores”) of Fundação Belmiro de Azevedo. His main area of activity is Management Science/Operations Research. He develops and applies advanced analytical models and methods to help make better decisions, solving managerial problems in various domains (manufacturing, health, retail and mobility), with a special focus on Operations Management. Degree in Management and Industrial Engineering (5 years degree), FEUP. PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management, UP. Certified Analytics Professional from The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences. Former researcher at Operations Research Center of Massachusetts Institute of Technology – MIT/ORC and Visiting Professor at University of São Paulo. Former Vice-Academic Director of IBM Center for Advanced Studies Portugal (IBM-CAS). Co-founder of Adjust Consulting (that was merged into Glintt HealthCare).