Maggie João has a career spanning more than 20 years, the first 10 of which were in industry, after completing a degree in Industrial Engineering and Management at IST and her second master’s degree at CTH (Chalmers Technical University in Sweden). He has worked for prestigious multinational companies in the automotive, food and services sectors, including Volvo Cars, Nestlé and PriceWaterhouseCoopers. The last 10 years of her successful career have been spent in coaching, where the pragmatism she brings from engineering is much appreciated. She is currently the only certified and licensed PMC (Professional Medical Coach) in Portugal and is also an Executive Coach, accredited by the ICF (International Coaches Federation) with the MCC level and distinguished by the EMCC (European Mentoring & Coaching Council) with the EIA (European Individual Accreditation). Maggie has also been supervising coaches for over 6 years, helping them to grow and improve continuously as professionals, focusing on the excellence and quality of the profession. She was President of ICF Portugal for the 2015-2016 biennium. He was also a member of the Regional Advisory Council for the EMEA region of the ICF during 2017. He has published 14 books on Coaching in Portuguese, English and Spanish and collaborates frequently with various magazines on topics related to Coaching in general, and Medical Coaching in particular. The fact that she has lived and worked in 12 countries gives her a broad cultural experience that sets her apart in the world of coaching.