
Manuel Bento

Manuel Bento


Manuel Bento. 44 years old, he has 20 years’ experience in information technology. He is currently CEO of Euronext technologies, part of the Euronext group. The company was created in 2016 in Portugal, and Manuel led the implementation of the team that today has 150 employees, performing critical technology functions for the group. Manuel is also a member of Euronext Lisbon’s Board of Directors. Manuel has global roles in the Euronext group, as Chief Information Security Officer and Chief Data Officer. He is currently responsible for M&A technology integration. In the past, Manuel was Director of Information Technology for a financial institution in Portugal, leading a team of 350 employees and a technological transformation project to modernize IT. In this company he also led the introduction of a mobile payment platform, currently with +2 million subscribers. Previously, he led several digital transformation projects in different companies in the telecommunications and services sectors. Manuel enjoys challenges related to the transformation and implementation of complex technologies.