Américo Azevedo – [PhD], he is head of CESE Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (INESC TEC) and Cientific Director of FABTEC Laboratory of Processes and Technologies for Production Advanced Systems Responsible for leading more than 45 company based national and international R&D and consulting projects in the domain of enterprise networks and industrial and operations management. He has been responsible in several consulting assignments with industrial companies, with special emphasis in operations and industrial management as well as in designing and developing new facilities, process optimization and development and implementation of decision support and planning tools for order management. Experience in several sectors/industries: machinery, semiconductors, ceramics, furniture, packaging, shoes and cork processing. He is an Associate Professor with Aggregation in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP). He has gained large experience in the academic, industrial and consultancy environments. He teaches in the academic programmes of FEUP and PBS (Porto Business School) and in specific programmes such as EDAM (Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing) of the MIT-Portugal Program. His research and teaching focuses on operations management, business processes management and enterprise collaborative networks. He has been active in supervising PhD and M.Sc research thesis on this research areas. He has been author of many articles in international journals and technical publications and also active in preparing and participating in R&D projects involving industrial companies. He has been reviewer and evaluator of several international R&D Industrial projects and member of several scientific programmes committees.