
Gonçalo Oliveira


Graduated in Law from Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa. In 2011 concluded the curricular component of the Master’s Degree in Business Legal Sciences at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, and in 2022 the Post-Graduation in Business Communication at the Porto Business School. Since 2013, he has been responsible for International Business Development at Infraestruturas de Portugal, the Portuguese public entity responsible for managing Portugal’s road and rail networks. Within the scope of his professional activity, he has already coordinated the structuring of technical assistance and training programs for all Portuguese-speaking African Countries and Timor-Leste (PALOP-TL), related to improving the functioning of public entities. Advocates that the internationalization processes of companies in the infrastructure sector in Portugal, and the development of infrastructures in the PALOP-TL, can be mutually beneficial, provided that a framework of institutional partnerships is fostered, composed of national clusters, and international associations between European and Asian countries.
