Learn how to rewire and rethink the fashion industry
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Direção do Programa
  • She is a renowned academic with close to two decades specializing in strategic fashion marketing and fashion brand development.

    Ana Roncha Programme Director
  • Isabel_Paiva_Sousa_Formação_Executivos

    Skilled in Negotiation, Business Planning, HR Consulting, Management, and Performance Management.

    Isabel Paiva de Sousa Programme Director
  • Online Synchronous Classes

    Os participantes assistem às aulas no exato momento em que elas são transmitidas.

  • Case studies

    Os participantes vão ter acesso a um conjunto de case studies.

  • Participative Learning

    Os participantes são incentivados a intervir durante as sessões.

  • Group discussions

    Será dada oportunidade aos participantes interagirem entre si e partilharem ideias.

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